Monday, January 22, 2018

Read this if you have too much to do today (REALTORS)

Friendly reminder: This week is the last chance to get the Ultimate Website system at the current pricing. After Friday, the price goes up permanently. But if you're an existing member, you are locked in at today's price forever. Click here to check current price and availability in your market.


Hey all,


Many of you can identify with "Forrest Gumping" your real estate business. That is, floating through each year being blown here and there without any real control over your activities or where your business is heading.

Good planning can break this cycle and last week we introduced you to our Business Planning Calculator which makes that planning take 5 minutes.

(Here's video of a live session where I walk an agent through planning out her business.)

Well once you've broken down your big goal into little baby steps, the key is to plan out each day to repeat those baby steps.

We've all been there. We want to lose weight and get into shape.

It's not exactly a secret how to get fit. Eat less and workout more. We know what the baby steps are. But taking the steps is easier said than done.

We might eat healthy and go to the gym for a few days, but because we don't have a specific plan, when we get busy we revert to our old habits.

It's the same with real estate.

This time, instead of floating from marketing idea to new marketing idea, you are being blown from one client activity to the next often filling your day with multitasking that results in many "half-done" activities.

Answer the phone. Sign a Contract. Write an ad. Show a home. Meet a client. Negotiate a deal.

And let's face it. This is partly what draws us to real estate.

We like the constant challenge of new obstacles and activities each day. We love meeting new people and serving our clients.

The side effects of a chaotic lifestyle and a constant nagging cloud of "shoulda, coulda, woulda" are things we put up with.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine a timer goes off on your phone indicating you need to put up your daily classified ads.

You sit down and spend a ten minutes writing and posting your ads and then you forget about it, knowing those ads will generate you a few leads later in the day while you are doing other things.

Then you sit down for your sacred prospecting appointment with yourself. It's just you, your CRM, and your phone.

You have plenty of time to call the 3 brand new leads that came in over the last 24 hrs.

After that, you call the 9 prospects you have been following up who are due for another "touch" today. You spend a few minutes with each customer establishing great rapport and giving them good information.


Your leads would know you, and know you valued them because you always made time for them.


You still have the rest of the day to serve your current clients, but you are now free from the worry over where your next business is coming from.

You now can rest comfortable without the cloud of "shoulda, coulda, woulda" hanging over you.


Let's contrast that with the way that most agents do lead followup:

Lots of wasted leads. Lots of sleepless nights wondering who we forgot or who we should have called.

All month long we have been talking about business planning and while we have largely focused on breaking our goals down to the smallest actionable unit, implementing those plans can often be the hardest thing to do.

This is where time-blocking comes in. It's not a new technique, but it's the perfect solution for agents prone to "Forrest Gumping" their day.

It ads the little bit of structure that you need to achieve the real freedom that comes with knowing that your customers are being served and your next deal is coming.


Some of you have a jumpstart on this training because you are on our Facebook Group. Feel free to join us.


Btw I get asked all the time. How much does my system cost? Only $100 for the whole system, plus you get my robocaller, ad generator and a bunch of other goodies.

HOWEVER, the price goes up after Friday.

If you want to lock in current pricing all you have to do is check to see if it's available in your area first.

Get My Ultimate Website System

(Or check to see if it's available in your area)

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - Have you joined my private Facebook group yet? It's free, and I'll sharing secret tactics I don't feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Join and meet and new like-minded agents.

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