Monday, March 19, 2018

You don’t need listings to generate leads with video

Hey all,

We have already shared with you a few different strategies for how to generate leads with videos and have gotten some amazing feedback from those of you who were brave enough to implement them.

The other feedback we got was that it wouldn't work because they didn't have any listings or there weren't any available listings to borrow.

Although I would disagree that there aren't any listings to borrow (are homes not being sold in your market?), today I am going to share with you a new way to generate leads with listing videos that don't require you to borrow a single listing OR have your own.

I'm talking about FSBOs.

The beauty of FSBOs is that you already have a large supply of available listings right in your area.

And you have motivated sellers who don't have any technology or marketing expertise.

That's where you come in.

Here's how it works:

1) Find a FSBO. You can look in your local Craigslist real estate FSBO section, on Zillow or even in your local Facebook Marketplace.
2) Contact the FSBO and ask if you can create an awesome listing video for them (for FREE of course).
3) Use the video and their listing as bait for our strategies.

Later this week we are going to share with you a full case-study for how effective this can be.

It will include scripts, numbers and a complete how-to for how we approach and get a FSBO to serve as our listing bait.

The upside to this strategy is two-fold.

We generate leads.

We create a great relationship with a seller who statistically will have an 82% chance of eventually listing with an agent after their home doesn't sell.

We added value and have set ourselves up as different from the dozens of agents who have called them just to sell their property for them.

Now I will warn you our strategy is going to be free, but you are going to need some tools to offer your FSBOs.

The first tool you will need is Listing Cake.

Then you will need a great text capture system. Our Pipeline Pro Tools system comes with one, but there are dozens of text capture systems out there.

Until then, all the best.

-Levi Jones

Guerilla Realty
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