Monday, April 2, 2018



Chris here, with Guerilla Realty.

You've been following us for awhile so you know how we operate.

We test new lead generation ideas, turn them into step-by-step formulas, and share them with you.

We also create free tools to help you rapidly grow your real estate business.

We rarely "sell" anything. Today is different though.

Today I'm going to pitch you.

I want you to buy something. I want you to buy into a new mindset.

Most agents have a passive mindset vs an active mindset.

It sucks, but it's true. Statistically speaking, if you're a realtor reading this email you probably suffer from a "passive" mindset.

It's not your fault. The industry practically forces us to be passive just to survive. The problem is the agents making all the money have an active mindset. It's a catch 22. But there is a way out, I'll show you.

I'm going to flip you from a passive agent to an active agent in one hour.

First let's talk about what characterizes a passive agent vs an active:

Passive Agents...

- Wait patiently for leads
- Complain about lack of training from their broker
- Are dependent on Zillow/Trulia or
- Are afraid to invest money on tools because of all the "what ifs"

Active Agents...

- Go out and GET leads
- Learn new strategies and ideas constantly
- Are completely independent
- Boldly invest money in their business at least once a month, and cancel anything that doesn't work

Which list best characterizes you?

As you can image their results are quite different too.

Passive agents close less than $1M in volume and list less than two houses per year.

Active agents do that in a month.

So it's no secret you'd rather be an active agent. But where do you start?

First you have to make bold decision that you WANT to have an active mindset.

You have to firmly decide that you don't want to wait around for leads to come to you anymore. You don't want to wait around for your broker to teach you. You never want to buy leads from Zillow ever again.

And you want to be the type of agent who is willing to try new ideas and laugh it off if it doesn't work.

Once you've made that decision in your heart, you need to find a practical way to put your new mindset into action.

There are dozens of different avenues you could use to move forward.

The easiest?

Get Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is the system we built from the ground up designed to capture 100+ leads per month.

It comes with the tools you need to go out and GET leads. It's designed to work seamlessly with all the new strategies we teach, and we're constantly learning/teaching new stuff every month.

And it's affordable, with no contract, so if you hate it you can cancel immediately. 

If it works (btw it works), your real estate business will never be the same.

That's what happened to Adrian, a realtor in Indiana.

Adrian has been in real estate for 12 years, with frustratingly inconsistent results. Some good months, lots of bad months.

He finally had his mindset change when he actively made the decision to invest in his business and get Pipeline Pro Tools. (After thinking about it for over 2 years, I kid you not.)

I'm not picking on Adrian though. Two months later Adrian has generated over 500 leads and is now one of the most successful agents in our program ever.

Are you going to take the red pill or the blue pill?

Your answer will determine the trajectory of your real estate career.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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