Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Time-saving machine

Hey all,

Right now we're talking about Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is the system we built from the ground up, designed to capture over 100 new leads per month.

It includes all the tools my brother Levi and I use to go out and GET new business. And it works seamlessly with all the strategies we teach.

Just last month we generated 67 buyer leads and 15 seller leads.

Most of our readers kind sorta know about Pipeline Pro Tools... but many of you are still hazy on the details.

So over the next few days I'm going to break down the whole system, tool by tool. And I'll show you exactly how we use each tool to grow our real estate business.

I'll start with the most under-appreciated tool (my personal favorite):

Ad Generator

One of our best lead generation strategies is the Craigslist Killer. Ignore the name -- this strategy works on any classified platform, including Facebook Marketplace, Backpage, Kijiji, etc.

This one strategy is responsible for $112,450 in gross commissions last year. And it can be easily replicated by any agent in any market.

There's only one problem. It's time consuming. You have to write new ads almost every day.

If you're like me, you hate writing ads. Each ad takes over an hour, and you have no idea if it will be effective. There's lots of guesswork, etc. It sucks.

Eventually we got tired of it. And that's why we created the Ad Generator.

This tool allows you to enter the basic property details and a few selling features, and in 2 seconds spits out a perfect, optimized ad that you can copy/paste into any classified ad.

It's guaranteed to generate traffic because our team of geeks optimize the ad format based on 1000s of tests, so we know what works and what doesn't work.

And the ad has all of your other capture tools baked right in.

This tool saves me about 8-10 hours per month. 

What is your time worth? If you want to make six figures, then your time is worth at least $50 per hour.

That means you're saving $400-500 in time every month just by adding this one tool to your business. And the whole Pipeline Pro Tools system only costs $99/mo.

Again, that's just ONE tool included in the system. It makes the whole thing a no-brainer.

Yesterday we talked about being a passive agent vs an action taker.

We know where being passive leads. Join the 1,200 other action-takers and get Pipeline Pro Tools.

You can combine this one tool with the "Craigslist Killer" strategy, and it will result in at least closing in the next 60 days.

Don't believe me? Try it and prove me wrong. I'll publish your case study to our entire list. (And of course if you want to go back to writing your ads by hand, you can cancel at any time.)

Get Pipeline Pro Tools

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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