Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bad broker story

Hey all,

In the last 15 years, I've helped thousands of agents succeed.

I've watched even more fail.

Want to know what the biggest success killer is?

It has ended more real estate careers than the last 10 recessions combined.

And the careers it doesn't destroy? It maims them -- keeps them average at best.

You're probably curious what it is... ready for it?

The #1 Success Killer in Real Estate:

What other people think

I guarantee that you have suffered stolen potential in your career because of this. I have too.

Let me share a quick story to illustrate my point.

A few weeks ago, an agent from Ohio got our Pipeline Pro Tools system. I want to keep him anonymous, so we'll call him "Ken".

After five years in real estate, Ken was sick of always struggling to find his next lead.

So he signed up with PPT. It took about 15 minutes to set everything up.

Based on his goals our coaching team recommended he use our Craigslist strategy.

He posted two simple ads (just as a test) and got five leads. Wow.

Kudos to him. Few agents ever make it this far. 

# Ken had a goal (make more money)
# He clearly identified what stood in his way (lack of leads)
# Then he systematically solved it (Pipeline Pro Tools = 5 new leads the first day)

But this is where the story goes off the rails.

Ken called us up a few days later and told us his broker didn't want him advertising on Craigslist because he was worried how it would look to others brokers. 🤔

So we showed him how to replicate the same strategy on Facebook Marketplace.

But his broker vetoed that idea too. Ultimately Ken gave into his broker's bizarre fears and canceled his PPT account the following month. (There's no contract so this was easy.)

The point of this story is Ken did almost everything right.

But then he was derailed by his mindset.

His broker was consumed by what other people would think. And Ken gave in.

As you know we've been digging deep into the mindsets that make agents successful.

This is one of them. If you want to be successful in real estate, you need to be willing to turn a few heads and raise a few eyebrows.

I bet you can think of at least one great marketing idea that you abandoned because you were worried what other people would think.

I challenge you to go try that idea today.

If you work for a broker like Ken's, leave.

If you want to turn a few heads with your lead generation, get Pipeline Pro Tools.

The only thing that might stop you is if we're sold out (true story). It only takes 10 seconds to find out. Here's the link

All the best,

-Chris Jones


Guerilla Realty
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