Thursday, May 17, 2018

Like a Dog Who Growls After Getting Table Scraps

Hey all,

Yesterday we talked about the fear of what other people think. And specifically how that ended up taking the knees out from under an agent we recently worked with.

Simply put, he was afraid of his broker (who was not serving him anyways) and his broker was afraid of what the rest of his colleagues might think about an untraditional advertising method.

Another way we have seen this fear manifest is when it comes to working and cooperating with other real estate agents. We call it a scarcity mindset.

Some of you already know the secret, but for the rest of you I will let you in...

The other agents in your market are NOT your enemy. There is plenty of business to go around for any competent agents who want it.

One of our most popular lead generation strategies is our Craigslist Killer.

I get feedback every week from agents who are absolutely crushing it using free advertising on Craigslist.

I also get messages a few times a month like this one:

And then they almost always follow up with:


What do you see there?

I see fear and projection of the scarcity mindset.

The scarcity mindset says that customers are few and far between and so I must grab the ones I get and hold on for dear life.

Have you ever had a dog growl at you when they grab the hotdog that fell onto the ground and you try to get it from them?

That dog has a scarcity mindset.

I don't even blame agents who act this way. Many agents have a scarcity mindset because they have never generated more leads than they know what to do with.

They work hard getting a referral here or there or they spend their retirement fund on a handful of purchased leads from one of the aggregators.

The reality is that most good listing agents welcome the opportunity to get extra visibility on their listings without having to spend any money or lift a finger.

They do this because good listing agents have an abundance of customers.

And most good buyer agents relish the idea of selling a great home to one of their customers all while working with a competent agent on the other side.

If you have ever felt like the growling dog, I have one step for you to overcome the scarcity mindset-- Generate more leads than you know what to do with.

Nothing creates an abundance mindset like ACTUALLY having an abundance of leads.

We have shared with you all some of our favorite lead generation strategies [link] over the years. Most of them work even if you don't have our tools.

Pipeline Pro Tools is like hitting the easy button for lead generation.

It includes all the tools and software you need to be a agent who overcomes a scarcity mindset and it includes unlimited 1-on-1 training from our staff to help you follow through.

It's dirt cheap to get started (click the link) and there is no risk (no contract, 60-day guarantee that it works).

Just check out what it did for Adrian's mindset -

Until next time,

Levi Jones


Guerilla Realty
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