Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Final step in my listing presentation

Hey all,

Earlier we discussed how the Internet has already become the predominant method for home searches today. From only a small percentage of searches a decade ago, today more than 94% of buyers and sellers are turning to the Internet like never before.

Now more than ever, it's critical for any agent to develop a comprehensive web-marketing strategy. After all, if the Internet is where the customers are looking for real estate, then the web should be where you focus your marketing efforts.

Right? Right.

We already covered how developing a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy, doesn't require spending a lot of money. Instead, it's important that you invest in the right tools. Many agents adopt a marketing policy of "ready, fire, aim," rather than "ready, aim, fire."

That will only lead to frustration. Frustration from spending a lot of money on a fancy website and getting little, if any, return on your investment. Frustration from wasting a lot of time trying to do what all the "experts" advise, only to figure out too late that those so-called experts haven't got a clue about online marketing. Frustration from making a good-faith investment of time and money, only to be let down again.

Forgive me for this one last plug, but for a fraction of the cost of a single zip code on Zillow or a single boosted post on Facebook, you can put together a marketing solution that will return as many as 100 new inbound real estate customers!

For most agents, that same money spent on Zillow will return 8-10 leads, if that. What's even better is that, by using Pipeline Pro Tools to capture the leads, not only do you get more information, but you can also get your leads 24 hours a day and not just when you happen to be able to answer your phone.

So, if you've been thinking about using our technology but you've been on the fence, here is great reason to give it a try. It's still the same low price and there is still no contract! For under $3 a day you can try it for 60 days, get the free coaching and help setting it up, and keep all the leads you generate and the listings you take, even if you ultimately decide it's not for you.

Here's a link so you can get a free demo: Click here.

Don't worry, nobody will try to sell you anything. We don't even have a sales force. But our tools are really that good, and it could literally change your practice forever! It has for many other agents before you. There really is no excuse not to have all the listings you can possibly service. You can generate your own fresh, inbound opportunities for only pennies per lead. No kidding!

Here is what I mean: The typical agent using our technology spends nothing on advertising. The result is an average of 92 leads, nationally. Unbelievable!

And for that tiny investment, our agents not only spend less money on marketing than their competition does, but they generate more business than they can personally handle, allowing them the freedom to grow a team or to send business to other agents for a referral.

Imagine what it would be like for your own business to have fifteen to twenty new leads every week — and each for less than the cost of a cup of Starbucks! Would that change your business? Would it take the pressure off? Would it allow you to be a little choosier about which customers you work with? Would it give you enough "breathing room" to begin to expand your business? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you truly owe it to yourself to give it a try. It really is a no-brainer.

And having the right technology will set you up for being the top listing agent in your market because you will have more opportunities than anyone else. Okay, enough shameless promotion.

The Human Element

Having the best tools in the world — having an endless supply of new inbound customers — won't help you at all if you don't have the basic skills needed to turn those opportunities into closed transactions.

That's where the human element comes in. I believe that there are several fundamental things that a Realtor® must have if he is to become a master listing agent.

Just as the technology is crucial to success, so are these basic "human" factors.

First let's talk about education. In this email series, we've given you some very specific things to learn that will make you the best agent for the job.

Let's be honest here: most of us haven't done a lot of studying since we left school, and the temptation is to try to get by without having to do the work. I know that. But that's all the more reason to make yourself do it. Average agents won't. You want to be a top agent!

If I am to be the top listing agent in my market — if I really want to be the best — then I have to make myself do those things that I don't necessarily want to do. Remember how your mother used to make you eat spinach? Well, I say eat your spinach.

It's a hassle to do the market research required to become a top agent, but this is your career. I promise you that there are agents calling me every day asking for help because they really want to go to the next level. Those who put in the work invariably succeed. Those who don't, won't.

They won't become top agents. It's as simple as that. Winners make it happen, and losers make excuses. It's all about you. Do you really want this? If you do, I'm absolutely convinced that you can achieve it.

The other key human factor is your governing values (or personal philosophy). It's not my desire to be preachy here, but I believe that out of our inner self flow the issues of life. We influence our success or failure by how we bring ourselves to the process. And I believe that the value system we use to govern our businesses has a direct impact on the outcome of our lives.

And I believe that there are a number of principles that we can follow to ensure our success.

1. The Principle of Vision. The most important principle, in my opinion, is vision. By this, I mean being able to see that which is not, as though it were. I believe that we're made in the image of a creative God and as such are inherently creative by nature. And it's that creativity which gives us the opportunity to build something truly phenomenal. Most of us don't take the time to allow a clear vision to be formed in our hearts. But the more detailed our vision, the greater our chances of achieving it. The scriptures teach that, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Allow yourself to develop a vision for what could be and take the time to see it clearly in your mind's eye.

2. The Principle of Confession. Taking our vision and beginning to articulate it is the key to bringing it to reality. Just as God's instrument of action in creating the world was "speaking" (i.e. God said, "Let there be light"), the way that we transfer vision to reality is 120 by speaking it. I never miss an opportunity to share my vision with people around me. Every time I get a chance, I articulate it to employees, agents, recruiting prospects, and peers. Why is confession so important? Because our subconscious mind believes what it hears. That's another reason to be careful what you're listening to. If there are negative people around you — people who tell you that you can't do something — it's important that you let them know you don't want to hear their negativity. If you must, find someone else to spend time with! You alone control what your subconscious mind listens to, so make the message good.

3. The Principle of Reciprocity, or Sowing and Reaping. We've all heard the old adage that what goes around comes around. It's true. Scripture teaches us that, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." In other words, give, and it will be given to you.

This principle is true in two different ways: a) Quantity. To the degree that you give, to the same degree you'll receive. "He that soweth sparingly will reap sparingly." The more you do to help others, the more your kindness and generosity will come back to you. Giving abundantly is the key to success. I know of lots of agents who never volunteer at their local Association, who never take the time to help a new agent, who never help those in need. What a shame. b) Kind. You will reap in kind with your sowing. If you plant apples, don't expect to grow bananas. If you want to reap success, you need to sow success for those around you. If you'd like to receive happiness, then make sure that you don't sow seeds of "ugliness" for those around you. Whatever seeds you plant will ultimately come up. Make sure you're planting the right seeds.

4. The Principle of Greatness. If we want to be great, we must be servants. The way up is down. This is contrary to traditional wisdom, which teaches us that, if we want to get ahead, we must put down our competition. I marvel at the crab-bucket mentality that so many agents have. Many would rather pull someone else down than actually see what they can learn from a competitor. How tragic! If you want to be great, serve those around you.

5. The Principle of Leverage. Two are better than one. You can create leverage through synergy. Team building is an example of this principle. By enlisting others, we can build something much bigger than ourselves. In fact, we can build a whole that's greater than the sum of the parts. Don't be afraid to work with other people: often that's the key to going to the next level.

6. The Principle of Stewardship. If we're faithful in the little things, we will be entrusted with bigger things. If we waste the resources that we've been given, we shouldn't be surprised that we lack the resources that we need to grow when opportunities come our way. I know of many agents who have all the "toys," own a huge house, drive the most prestigious car, and yet live from deal to deal. Again, what a tragedy.

7. The Principle of Responsibility. To whom much is given, much will be required. God holds us accountable for that which he has entrusted us. If you've been given success, you have the opportunity and the responsibility to use it wisely. This principle is related to the principle of stewardship, but different. One is the flip side of the other. Stewardship is the key to getting success. Responsibility is the burden of that success.

8. The Principle of Perseverance. We must endure trials and hardships in order to succeed. There is a refinement of character that comes from perseverance. Show me a successful person, and I'll show you someone who has gone through many personal trials. And when those trials come your way, learn to see them as an opportunity to persevere. I know that, in my life, nearly every time I feel as if the situation is so bad that I can't possibly endure it, I hold on anyway. Invariably the solution to my problem comes right after I'm the most tempted to give up.

9. The Principle of Thankfulness. Nothing is less attractive than a whiner and griper. Nobody wants to be around that kind of person. Well, there's a principle that thankfulness is attractive. Of course, when everything is going well, it's easy to be thankful. But if you find yourself in a tight spot, determine to be thankful anyway. Lack plus thankfulness equals sufficiency. I personally believe that this is the mechanism that demonstrates to God that we truly trust Him. If we're thankful, regardless of our situation, we attract other people to come along and help us.

10. The Principle of Rest. The more talented you are, the more you'll be tempted to "force" things. And while forcing an issue often provides a solution, it's rarely the best solution. If you feel pressured to make a decision, don't make one. Bite your tongue, and say, "No, thanks." Often the best action is no action — rather simply to wait patiently for the right solution to emerge from the quietness.

You aren't going to want to miss tomorrow's email where we share with you some of the real-world stories of this presentation in action.

See you then,

Levi Jones

Guerilla Realty
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