Hey all, Agents all over the country have written us and shared their experiences in trying this new and truly unique approach to listing houses. Amazingly, they always fall into one of two categories: First, there is the "Oh my God! This is amazing..." letter. I get lots of those from agents who try the approach and have remarkable success with it. Here is an example: "I wanted to send you the listings that I have taken in the past 2 months at 8% commission. It has been very exciting to take these listings because I have not had one commission objection! I'm happy that our approach resonates with so many listing agents, and more importantly, that they've tried our approach, and that it's worked for them. At the end of the day, that's what makes it worthwhile from my perspective. The second letter I get goes something like this: "This sounds like a great approach, but...", always indicating some reason why it won't work in their particular market. We get reasons from average sale price, to inventory size, to the economy, to market peculiarities, to commission trends in their market, and so on. For those agents, this approach will never work. It can't because they have convinced themselves that it won't and so they won't even try it. One day I got one of each letter -- the "Oh my God!" letter and the "Great approach, but..." letter. I had to laugh out loud when I realized that they were from two different agents in the very same market, Washington DC. Amazing! They were both absolutely right! The funny thing is that I've never received a single letter that said, "I've tried your approach, just like you taught it, and I am not having any success." Not a single one! In over five years! Sort of makes you wonder, doesn't it? The fact is that this approach has worked in every market where an agent has had the courage to give it a try. So all I ask of you is that you give it an honest shot. If you do, you'll be amazed at just how easy it is. I promise. Oh, and one last thing: After you do give it a try, and you begin to list at a premium every time, email me. We read every response and we love to get feedback. Here are a few more real world stories from agents around the country: "I just wanted to say how much I appreciate someone willing to share his knowledge/expertise. I've just started to read about your listing presentation, and I have already changed the commission on the one listing I have today (a Sunday) to 7%, and for a year! Is that awesome, or what? "I read your stuff and was pleased with the simple application of a different idea. I've already made my first presentation, and the results were excellent. We have traditionally been a 7% company, but this past year, low inventory and discount companies have put tremendous pressure on agents getting listings. So now is a good time to change the batting order "Fantastic series on the 8% listing! I have read and begun to utilize your methods, and they are tremendously accurate. In fact, I used them for a listing presentation on Wednesday, and the sellers were sitting with their mouths open while I explained the data. They were very interested and blown away by my knowledge of the real estate activity in their area. This is the best information I've ever read. Thanks for your help. "I just wanted to let you guys know how the capture tools are working. I literally started advertising only 36 hours ago. While I slept last night, I had four leads come through my website. That was all while I was sleeping! I am absolutely astounded at the effectiveness of your tools and thrilled about how well your suggested ads work.
I share these not to toot our own horn, but to give inspiration and hope that this new approach can and will work in your market too. Remember that a great listing presentation starts with having leads. If you don't already have 2-3 new leads coming in every day, then start there. Either get our Pipeline Pro Tools system and let our coaches help you start running effective free ads today. Check to make sure we still have availability in your market. Click here. Or find some other tools that can get the lead machine going. Then become an expert in your market. Know your numbers backwards and forwards. Finally, take those seller leads and wow them with a marketing strategy they have never heard before. Until next time, Levi Jones PS: We aren't done with listing just yet. Next week, we are going to give you a few more ways to generate listing leads without spending a dime. Stay tuned! Guerilla Realty |
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Weekend Bonus: real life stories of listing at 8%
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