Monday, September 10, 2018

๐Ÿ˜“ Three things that suck about Guerilla Realty

Hey all,

I've been thinking a lot about our North Carolina real estate practice. 

Sometimes I cringe when I visit certain pages on our website or see stuff we never finished. 

I'm sure you can relate in your business. 

Here are the three things that suck most about Guerilla Realty: 

  1. Our Facebook page remains uncompleted five years later, and the part that's finished is now outdated 
  2. The market stats page on our website is an aesthetic nightmare, and people see it every day (embarrassing)
  3. We know we need to recruit a great mortgage partner, but I keep procrastinating. 

Despite these things we suck at, we continue to grow every year, thankfully. 

That's because I've focused on the three things that matter most. 

Thing #1: Does your real estate website convert at least 20% of traffic into leads?

Thing #2: Do you attract quality buyers/sellers to your site every day on autopilot?

Thing #3: Do you have a simple follow up plan that consistently converts leads into transactions?

Of the 4,000+ agents we've coached, I've NEVER (not one time) seen an agent who was doing all three things.

But I regularly see agents double or even triple their business in six months when they start focusing on those three things — and nothing else. 

That's why we are kicking off a "Fix What Matters Most" series today. 

For the month of September, my brother Levi and I are going to walk you through step-by-step how to fix these three things. 

Ignore everything else. The fact is, you can suck at a lot of things in real estate. But if you're doing these three things well, you'll make a lot of money anyway. 

Tomorrow we'll kick things off with the easiest thing first. 


In the mean time, I wanted to let you know that we set aside 10 time slots this week for no-pressure demos of Pipeline Pro Tools. 

If you've been thinking about getting our lead gen software, this is for you. No sales pitch, just a quick demo to see the software in action. We'll also show you 3 lead strategies we use, no strings attached.

Here's the link

The only thing that might stop you is if we are sold out in your are. But it only takes 10 seconds to check. Here's the link

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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