Thursday, February 20, 2020

Facebook Marketplace lead playbook (last chance)

Yesterday I did a free workshop on my team's method for getting steady leads from FB Marketplace.

The event was AMAZING.

Here's the replay link if you missed it or want to watch it again...

-> FB Marketplace Hack - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Downloads include ad templates + script for borrowing listings

Watch it now, because we will be taking the workshop down in 48hrs.

Here's what's in this workshop:

  • How to borrow a listing
  • 3 things you can do today to get 20 new leads
  • Creating a lead gen machine that runs in your sleep

I explain everything in the workshop. And at the end I show you how my team uses Pipeline Pro Tools to create a consistent stream of leads.

Are you interested in Pro Tools but are still on the fence or have more questions? Book a demo.

If you book a demo, we'll give you a free download of 1 of our internal marketing playbooks after it's over (no strings attached).

Plus, although our special deal on Pro Tools ends today, if you book a demo by 6pm, we'll happily extend the deal through the day/time of your demo :) so you can give due consideration to the investment.

Here's the direct link to book a demo ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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