Thursday, March 26, 2020

How To Help Your Clients Who Can't Pay Their Mortgage

I'm writing to invite you to this special webinar we are hosting tomorrow, Friday, March 27th, 2020. 

As you know, it has been a hectic couple of weeks for Americans (and for everyone in the world for that matter).  Many friends and clients have already shared that they are out of work, been asked to take a reduction of income and unfortunately,  we believe it will be much worse next week when a new month rolls around and bills are due.  

Now more than ever, it's our time to step up and make sure these people know that they have options.  Many banks, investors, and mortgage servicers are being proactive in helping people.  

So we invite you to join us tomorrow, Friday, March 27th at 12 pm PST for an informative webinar on How To Help Your Clients Who Can't Pay Their Mortgage. 

Fred and I will be joined by Jonathan Katz owner of ACG, a leading loss mitigation firm.  Jonathan's firm has helped thousands of homeowners through tough times and he's going to share some of his insight with us.  Additionally, Fred and I will be presenting some of the solutions and programs already announced by some of the banks and how they may be able to help your client immediately.  

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