Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Replay (.mp4)

Yesterday my buddy Chris Jones and I did a workshop. We walked you through a really cool strategy to get free leads from Zillow. 


Here's the replay link...


-> Get free leads from Zillow - Replay (.mp4) 


Chris will be taking it down in 48hrs.


Be an action taker. Watch the video, implement it TODAY, and I personally guarantee you get results within 24hrs.


At the end of the webinar... Chris discusses his lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools.


You do NOT need Pro Tools to follow this strategy. But it WILL make it 100x easier and more effective.


If you want to check out Pro Tools, you can get a 15-min demo here.


If you book a demo (and show up for the demo) we'll give you the complete downloadable internal "playbook" that Chris's team uses to run this strategy. Yours to keep forever.




-Kevin Kauffman

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