Thursday, December 23, 2021

For You in 2022 (Real Estate Templates)

Picture this...You are all dressed up for your next listing presentation...

You knock at the door...they invite you in..

You sit at the kitchen table with anticipation as you open your bag to show them your marketing material and CMA

And then...

They how do you promote my home on social media?

You start sweating because you know you haven't posted in months. Not because you don't want to. It's because you are busy being an agent, following up with clients, showing houses, etc.

But they don't care...they want an agent that markets their home everywhere.

So I made a simple solution for you. It's 400+ easy-to-use templates designed for agents like you and me. And you can get it today for only $37

If you are still reading, then I'm sure you are like me and want to have a huge real estate year in 2022!

Use this time to plan your year, and set yourself up for success.

Talk to you soon!

Jason Edwards

P.S. These templates will give you all the social media content you need for 2022 and more. Don't miss out!  You can get them now by going here:

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