Sunday, February 27, 2022

Less than 6 hours left!

Hey, it's Andrey here...

If you've not yet watched the replay of the Mediocre To Millionaire 2022 Reboot, now is the time to do it.

This is it.

Replay comes down in less than 6 hours.

Click HERE To Watch It Now

This is the third (and final) email I've sent out about the replay to make sure everyone hears about it and gets a chance to watch it.


If you want more listings.
Quickly and predictably.
Then this is exactly for you.

...because it will shows you how:

  • You can add $250K - $350K GCI in 12-18 months (listings only)
  • How to make that new revenue & income level your new baseline, predictable income (in other words, turn your ceiling into your new floor)
  • How you can do this with only about 5-10 hours of setup work and then it takes only about 3-5 hours of maintenance work every month to maintain
  • Why you can do this for literally (LITERALLY) $150 bucks a month (so even if you're on a tight budget, this works)
  • This works in ANY market - rural, acreage, condo buildings, suburbs, residential, lake front, etc,.
  • This works for ANY agent - regardless of budget, market, or experience...

Bottom line:

This works better than anything I've seen in the past 15 years of real estate marketing and getting listings.

Click Here BEFORE Midnight Tonight PST To Watch This Training

Make a cup of tea...
Crack open a beer...
Pour yourself a glass of wine...
Whatever your choice of beverage...

Get a notepad.
And a pen.
Be ready to take notes.
And capture your own ideas.

And watch this listing training before it comes down.
Because it's unlike anything being taught out there.
And this is based on what's working for multiple 6- and 7-figure agents.

Yours to learn and use right away.

Yes, Show Me How To Add Listings Quickly and Predictably


PS - 4 free gifts available to you for watching the replay as well (blatant bribe!)




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