Wednesday, March 2, 2022

the VERY BEST source of LISTINGS right now? 1

That's right, I believe absentee owners are one of the VERY BEST sources of NEW LISTINGS right now...

(if you know how to crack the code to this channel...)


There are several reasons, but the most important one is simply the fact that absentee owners DON'T NEED TO BUY IN ORDER SELL!

(let that sink in for a bit.. because a LOT of sellers don't sell because they don't want to be buyers...)

If you want to learn how to take listings from Absentee Owners (ie "Tired Landlords) you should join Josh tomorrow at 2 EST for a training class:

TAP HERE to register now.

Hope you'll join us...

(I know first-hand that Josh knows his stuff and is someone you should listen to when it comes to the game of getting listings)





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