Thursday, February 10, 2022

Ultimate Listing Engine (1-time-only replay)

"Hey Chris, will there be a replay?"

I got this question 20x during my webinar this week.

💻 The Ultimate Listing Engine (Live Encore)

You're probably wondering what the heck is a "listing engine"?

Simple. It's any system that brings you consistent signed listings.

Want to see mine?

Here's why it works so well:

  • We don't spend $$$ on ads or Zillow
  • We don't make cold calls
  • And we don't focus on niches like divorce, inherited, or luxury

All you need is the marketing playbook, my CMA app, and my script.

I share all 3 downloads in the webinar.

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

It's available for 24 hours only. No fast forward or rewind, sorry.

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

This link expires soon, but until then you're free to share it with friends, colleagues, broker, whoever...


-Chris Jones

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