Tuesday, February 8, 2022

can we have a real talk tonight?

Can we have a real talk tonight?

There is so much "content" and "advice".

On how to build our listing business.

But it seems like most "tips, tricks, tactics,
and techniques"
are working less and less.

Or already dead.

Here's what I'm seeing...

We generally try to look for solutions that
are generally:

  • Fast
  • Cheap
  • Simple

Because we need results now...


But this sets us up for a problem:

If it's fast, cheap, and simple then every
other agent can do it.

So you get ZERO competitive advantage.


If you don't have a lot of money, a lot of
time, or understand the complex...

... how do you get a competitive advantage?

Let me show you on a Zoom call today at 7pm
EST / 4pm PST...

I'm calling this meeting:

"The Recipe for Listing Domination: Long Term
Thinking, Moats, and Warfare"

I'll share some tactics... but the main thrust of
this call will be to give you something radically

... a shift in thinking on how you can dominate
the listing game in your market instead of just
chasing after deals.

This will be very different...

But I promise, worth your time.

Here's the link:

Save your seat and I'll see you at 7pm eastern.





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