Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Listing Launch Playbook (for listing agents)

June is just around the corner.

Half the year is almost through.

We're about to start the second half of the year.

So you're nearing "half-time" in your business, for the year.

I don't know how your results are matching up to your goals for the year.

Are you on track? Behind? Ahead?

Regardless… there's still a whole second-half to play in the "game".

And entering the second-half of a game with momentum makes a big difference on how you finish the game.

With 7 months to go, this means plenty of runway to make big things happen. So you can finish strong and hit (or even exceed) your financial goals.

As long as you've got an effective playbook to follow.

To that end:

This Thursday I'm hosting and teaching a BRAND NEW WORKSHOP called "Listing Launch Playbook".

I'll share a playbook with you to do the following:

  • How to add 5-15 listings into your pipeline in the next 30-45 days (so you can start your second-half with strong momentum)
  • 3 simple, yet effective, listing getting "systems" that bring in steady new listing opportunities (they pretty much run on auto-pilot once setup)
  • A paint-by-numbers approach for how you can quickly reverse engineer where the best opportunities for listings are at in your market (takes 1-2 hours using your MLS)
  • How you can make this happen for $300 - $500 a month (the Listing Launch Playbook specifically focuses on getting you as much "bang-for-your-buck" as possible)

Workshop Topic: Listing Launch Playbook
Time: Thursday 1pm ET / 10am PT

>>> TAP HERE to Save Your Seat <<<

Before I go, a quick note:

The Listing Launch Playbook works for any agent … regardless of your market, regardless of your budget, and regardless of your experience.

If you are a listing focused agent (or want to get more listings quickly) then this brand new workshop is for you.

Yes, Show Me The Listing Launch Playbook!





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