Thursday, May 26, 2022

Listing Launch Playbook (add 5-15 listings by end of August)

Want to add 5-15 listings by end of August?

Want to set yourself up with strong momentum for the rest of the year?

Then join my buddy Andrey's brand new workshop today 1pm ET / 10am PT.

>>> Listing Launch Playbook Workshop <<<

Here's what Andrey is going to share:

  • How to add 5-15 listings into your pipeline in the next 30-45 days (so you can start your second-half with strong momentum)
  • 3 simple, yet effective, listing getting "systems" that bring in steady new listing opportunities (they pretty much run on auto-pilot once setup)
  • A paint-by-numbers approach for how you can quickly reverse engineer where the best opportunities for listings are at in your market (takes 1-2 hours using your MLS)
  • How you can make this happen for $300 - $500 a month (the Listing Launch Playbook specifically focuses on getting you as much "bang-for-your-buck" as possible)

And this playbook works for ANY agent … regardless of your market, regardless of your budget, and regardless of your experience.

It just plain works to get listings.

Save your seat below.

Yes, I Want The Listing Launch Playbook

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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