Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Craigslist playbook (live replay)

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled...

"How to build a lead gen machine with free Craigslist ads"

In it, I shared a simple hack we use to get free leads from Craigslist.

💻 How to Get Free Leads from Craigslist (Live Encore)

The reason I created this webinar is we recently ranked all of our playbooks according to this question.

"Which playbook produces the most closings in 2022?"

Well, here it is. Our #1 top performing playbook in 2022.

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

It's available for 24 hours only. No fast forward or rewind, sorry.

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

This link expires soon, but until then you're free to share it with friends, colleagues, broker, whoever...


-Chris Jones

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