Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Listing presentation (download)

Want to add 20 listings to your business in the next 6 months?

I can help.

I'm going to share the coolest listing presentation you've ever seen.

Co-authored by my brother and I, we use it to take 100+ listings a year.

Recently we shared it with a student, and he took a new listing in the first week.

It's braindead simple, and it actually works.

So we've gotten hundreds of requests to share it in a webinar. And... we're finally ready

I'm sharing my entire listing presentation today.

+ A free listing lead hack.

+ An easy trick for booking the listing appointment.

In other words, our whole listing method.

I'll be sharing it all later today on a NEW webinar.

Tues, July 12 @ 12:00PM


250 seats only, so you have to register.

This is a live event, not some old recording.

Just to recap, here's what I'm sharing:

⬇️ My entire listing presentation (word-for-word)
⬇️ Free listing lead hack
⬇️ Easy trick for booking the listing appt

Complete with all the downloads.

You can execute his entire method 100% free, without buying anything.

Click here to automatically register for the webinar and get all the downloads <<<

This is a 1-time only thing, so don't miss it.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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