Hey RERAW Nation..
Just a heads-up..
On Monday, January 13, 2023 at 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.. I'll be hosting a free LIVE **90-minute** lead generation training webinar.
I don't sell leads.. I teach lead generation.
None of you can give me money on this webinar.. as I don't have a product to sell on it.
This is a free training.. and we do trainings often.. to provide value to you and exposure to my coaching company (RERAW LLC).
So.. how's that for transparent?
--> end of said "note".. carry on reading now..
I've done this training a couple times recently and it's been such a huge hit that I'm getting flooded with messages to do it again.. so here it is..
Register for FREE here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5216760051793/WN_4wE3jBP4RouV4GDvsVNaXQ
This is a LIVE training and I am not sending out a replay link.
I'm giving more notice so you have time to block out your calendar and fit this into your day.
Are you wondering if this webinar training is for you?
Here's what I'll be covering..
- Why you don't need to ever worry about cold calling, door knocking, geo-farming or sphere of influence to be successful.
- Understand the strategy that I implement that I've dubbed "Tactical Farming." I'm gonna blow your mind with this one. And, you'll soon understand why people call me.. instead of the other way around.
- Properly defining "Direct Mail" so you can understand how to leverage it in a way that other agents just don't..
I want to give you control of your business by teaching you the "how to" behind targeting and lead gen so you don't have to hire some third party to rip you off for the rest of your career selling you mediocre bullsh*t "leads" at best.
Why no replay link?
I'm glad you asked.
People pay better attention when they're forced to.
If I send out a replay link.. I'm gonna get half of your brain with me as you run this in the background crutching on the fact that you can just "watch it later."
I'll be there giving you my undivided attention.. for FREE.. so in return.. I'm asking the same of you.
If you can't make it.. that's okay.. they'll be other trainings in the future that I'll keep you updated on.
But.. if you register for this one.. I expect you to show up.
Here's the link again: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5216760051793/WN_4wE3jBP4RouV4GDvsVNaXQ
Are you in?
Hope to see you there!
Real Agents Work,
James Hoff
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