Friday, February 10, 2023

Your company split

The world of company splits is full of dubious numbers and misleading claims.

What they advertise: "We're a 100% company."


The truth:
- 7% franchise fee
- $600/mo. desk fees
- $500 per transaction fee
- $40/mo E&O

That can add up to 30-40% of GCI for the average agent.

This shell game makes it virtually impossible to compare commission splits between brokerages in your area...

The "most popular" company in my market advertises 80% and 100% splits.

But I ran the numbers, and the effective split, after fees, is only 64%.

I chose a much less popular company, which made me an additional $29,103 in commissions. 😳

I just calculated it using a new app we built -- Split Crunch.

I screen recorded the whole process.

Click to watch and get the free app

(It's 100% free -- no strings attached)

SplitCrunch cuts through the BS and tells you what all the top companies pay.

Reply to this email and tell me your effective company split after you try Splitcrunch :)

-Chris Jones

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