Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Facebook hack

Over the past 12 months, we've developed a simple Facebook hack to identify buyers and sellers right before they need an agent.

NO it doesn't involve Facebook Ads. FB Ads cost $$$$ and the leads don't convert quickly. No thanks.

Instead, we run a free hack.

Last week it brought in 9 seller leads and 26 buyer leads in <48 hours.

It actually did cost us a few buck. We spent $60, but not on ads.

Let me show you the process.

It's so ingenious that when you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

Tomorrow, I'm sharing the entire process in a free webinar.

Webinar: Free Facebook Hack to Get Leads

Tuesday, Feb 7 @ 12:00PM Eastern

Space is limited to 250 seats, so please register.

Here's what you get just for attending...

⬇️ Free access to all 3 tools you need
⬇️ The entire Facebook hack playbook
⬇️ Replay access for 48 hours


After you watch, you will be the only agent in your office who's getting consistent clients from Facebook.

See you there.

-Chris Jones

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