Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Modern Listing System (Impromptu Mini-Training Today)

Hey, it's Andrey here...

Today at 7pm eastern / 4pm pacific I'm going live with a quick, impromptu, mini-training.

I'll be doing a walk-through of the Social Signaling Method. Which is one of the pillars of the Modern Listings System (MLS).

Social Signaling is the first pillar in the Modern Listing System (MLS) because:

It's really simple to setup and run

  • It accelerates repeats & referrals quickly
  • It gets you business out of your database and leads (who might not be responding to your current prospecting efforts)
  • You can make it work for just $1 - $5 a day (literally, it's that cost effective)
  • It can work for any agent... regardless of your market, budget, or experience
  • Agents who are doing hundreds (HUNDREDS) of deals per year credit this method as their #1 source of revenue
  • You can use this method to crack open ANY niche in real estate

I'll be covering all of this today at 7pm eastern / 4pm pacific so you can deploy it into your business immediately.

Here is the Zoom link:


Plan on about 30 minutes for this training today.

Bring your notepad and pen since I'll be covering a lot of tactics.

And I'll be doing Q&A at the end.

See ya later today for this actionable training.

Speak Soon,
Andrey :-)





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