Thursday, August 24, 2023

Perfect Listing Plan: 5 Signed Listings Guaranteed

I just posted a new training video that shows a "perfect listing plan", how you can start adding 36 listings per year with 9 specific videos.

It's called the "ListingLaunch Method".

In this short 33 minute video I walk you through:

  • the 9 videos that create an A-Z listing appointment getting system
  • what order to create these videos in
  • where to post these videos
  • how to get these videos in front of ready home-sellers in your community
  • what you need to say on these videos (and in what order)
  • how to get this all setup in a way that requires mostly one-time work and just 3 hours or so per month to maintain it
  • how this approach got an agent 4 listings and 1 buyer in 61 days
  • how another agent closed 3 listings and a buyer in 3 months
  • another agent who'd never done a single video before got her first listing for $684,950.00 in a couple week

Check these agents out...

If you want to quickly get more listings without spending hours a day prospecting, cold-calling, emailing and texting, buying leads, or door-knocking...

... then you'll want to watch this video right now.

We're about to hit the last big listing boom of the year right before the holidays, so now is the time to roll this out so you can quickly spark listing momentum for yourself.

Click Here To Watch This Video Now


P.S. We're making 10 spots available for a done-for-you program to get this all going for you at lightning speed... so we can capture momentum in the last listing boom of 2023 before the holidays.

How does this sound?:

  • I guarantee you 5 signed listings in 90 days (not just listing appointments, but actual signed listings)
  • My team and I do all the work (marketing, tech setup, building the funnels, setting up the autoresponders, etc,.)
  • You just record videos for us using my word-for-word scripts (I'd provide them - you can shoot these on your smartphone)
  • Cost is $2,997 (one-time flat fee)
  • You'll need to budget about $300-$500 for traffic spend per month (no management fee on my part - it's all in the one-time cost)
  • You agree to doing a testimonial / case study interview with me on Zoom after we get you 5 listings so I can use it in my marketing

This is a roll-up-our-sleeves-and-move-fast program.

If you're ready to truly start getting listings NOW, then hit REPLY and let me know you're ready to put us to work for you.

If you want some more information first, watch this video:

Click Here To See The ListingLaunch Model






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