Cool share from my friend Allyson today...
We were talking the other day, and Allyson pointed this out.
A lot of agents make over a million dollars a year from their business.
But, most of them sacrifice their life to do it…
- Working 60, 80, or 100 hours a week
- Driving all over town
- And working their fingers to the bone.
Yes, we'd all like to make a million per year in real estate.
But if you're going to do that, do it the right way.
Set your business up right, so you don't burn yourself out.
Find the right clients who value your services, instead of treating you like dirt.
You have to focus on listings.
It's the only way to do 33 million in production. (That's what it takes, minimum, to earn $1million in commissions.)
My friend Allyson and her team have studied a lot of agents' businesses over the years.
And they've discovered a few key things that enable the "Million Dollar Agents" to bring in a million dollars a year in commissions… even while most agents struggle.
Allyson is hosting a free training where she'll reveal everything her team discovered… so you can build your business to where it brings in a million dollars a year or more.
On the workshop, she'll show you:
* How the "Million Dollar Agents" are getting listings without cold calling, door knocking, or hosting Open Houses
* How the "Million Dollar Agents" are leveraging their time so they're able to hit high levels of production without working all the time
* How the "Million Dollar Agents" are able to free up their time to only work on the highest value activities
The class is free, and you'll gain some great insights on how to build and set up your business the right way.
Click here to join the workshop as space is limited:
-Chris Jones
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