Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I'll pay for your ad traffic to get listing leads. (Seriously).

So check it out:

Because I just got approved by Affirm to offer "Buy Now, Pay Later" terms on my programs, I just created the BEST OFFER I've ever made yet..


  • I'll pay for your ad traffic to promote the videos you record for me using my video scripts
  • I'll guarantee you 5 signed listings within 90 days
  • We will do all the work of building, launching, and managing my Core 4 listing methods (Pixel Prospecting, MicroFarming Social Signaling, and Listing Engine)
  • You just have to record the video scripts I provide you (easy to do with a teleprompter app, no memorizing required)


  1. If you qualify for financing, through Affirm, the program is $7,200
  2. $2,200 of the $7,200 is applied to traffic budget for you (we spend the $2,200 on driving traffic for you)
  3. I'm so confident in my Core 4 Listing Methods that I GUARANTEE the entire $7,200 with 5 signed listings within 90 days
  4. Said differently: if you don't get 5 signed listings within 90 days, you can cancel and get your entire $7,200 back
  5. If you get approved by Affirm, you'll be able to Buy Now, Pay Later - and we will use $2,200 of the financing to spend on your traffic

So you don't have to pay a single cent out of pocket for the program or the traffic up front.

You'll literally be able to try this out for 30 days before having to spend a dime because our first payment won't be for 30 days to Affirm.

(This is, to my knowledge, the SINGLE BEST OFFER for getting listings in the entire industry right now)


  1. REPLY to this email and let me know you've read my email and want to speak (this is by application only - you'll see why in a minute)
  2. This is by application only - so we have to speak first
  3. After speaking if we both think it's a mutually good fit, then I'll send you the link to apply for financing through Affirm
  4. If approved, you can get enrolled without having to pay anythin up front
  5. We get to work

PLEASE NOTE: Because this is a BRAND NEW offer with never-done-before terms for financing not only the program but also your ad traffic, I'm looking for only 10 agents to work with on this.

If you think, based on this email, this is possibly a good fit for you - hit REPLY and let me know you want to speak with me.

Speak soon,




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