Thursday, December 14, 2023

Wish you had more listings?

Cool share today.

Getting listings doesn't have to be complicated.

My friend Allyson and her team use a simple strategy that shows sellers why you're different so they call you.

It's a heckuva lot better than "dialing for dollars".

Do you really want to chain yourself to cold-calling for the rest of your career?

  • I can be effective
  • But it's brutal
  • And it's not scalable

Fortunately, you don't have to.

Allyson and her team discovered a new and more effective way to get listings.

Instead of chasing down sellers, she let them call her.

Want to see how?

I'm hopping on a free workshop with Allyson where she'll show you how to build a marketing system that replaces cold calling.

When you use this system, sellers will be call you to list their home.

Here's an example:

Cindy just built her own marketing system… ...and got 5 listings as a result!

- Listing #1 for $305,000
- Listing #2 for $750,000
- Listing #3 for $267,000
- Listing #4 for $425,000
- Listing #5 for $430,000

I don't think Cindy will be cold calling anymore.

What about you?

Join us on the webinar...


-Chris Jones

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