Monday, February 12, 2024


Meet Julia....

  1. Real estate agent who'd been in the business for a few years
  2. Spent a bunch of money on buying leads that didn't pan out
  3. Had some exclusive zip codes (but no engagement)
  4. Needed something quick to get results

​Saw my program, hired me to help.

Problem: was at a standstill with no momentum and budget was running thin.

Here's how it worked:

  1. We got on a call and I mapped out what was happening in her business
  2. Identified which of my listing-getting plays would get her results the fastest
  3. We deployed the first 3 "listing playbooks" in about 10 days from when we started working

Result: She signed a $684,950.00 listing shortly after

My goal right now is to ignite listing flow for a handful of agents in the next 30 days.

Just like Julia did within two weeks of us working together, thanks to my simple, yet powerful listing-getting methods.

Want me to do the same for you?

Here is how it works:

  1. Let me know you want to work together
  2. We'll get on a quick call to go over details of your business
  3. I'll identity which of my listing-getting plays make the most sense
  4. If all sounds good, I'll send you an enrollment link so you can process payment
  5. You enroll and we get to work - this is a Done-For-You Program

So, here's the deal.

Every one of my listing-getting plays is video driven.

Meaning you'll have to record videos for me, on your phone, using my scripts.

But besides that, we do the rest of the work.

It's only $980 to have me build everything for you.

Comes with a guarantee:

At least one signed listing within the first 30 days.

If, and when, we lock that in for you, we keep working with you to get you 5 signed listings.

Once you've secured 5 signed listings total - and only after you've secured them - you pay us a commission of $2,997 (one-time) for the 4 additional listings after the first one we guarantee.

Opposed to learning how this listing method could work for you?

Hit REPLY to this email and say "DFY - I'm In".

And we'll get on a call to:

  1. Answer any questions you have
  2. Map out your launch
  3. Set expectations for what kind of results you can expect

Talk soon...


PS - this bargain price of $980 for a done-for-you program is in part available because Google and FB just made some changes that have created exciting opportunities to get listings - and I want to quickly create listing case studies with these so I can then sell a course later this year... If you want to be one of those case studies and get in on this early for just $980, then hit REPLY and let me know.

Let's get listings!




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