Friday, February 9, 2024

Get Listing Academy FREE for 30 Days!

Hey, it's Andrey here...

If you're ready to start getting steady new listings, consistently and predictably... then this is for you because it will help you quickly get more listings.

Right now you can get a 30 Day FREE Trial to my group coaching program, Listing Academy.

I just finished updating one of my Core 4 Listing Methods for 2024...

"MicroFarming Method 3.0"

And while it normally sells for $1,497 ... right now I'm making 100 spots available for only $297 with a 90 Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

And to just to make sure you're gonna blow the doors off the hinges with your listing game in 2024... You're gonna get a 30 Day FREE Trial to Listing Academy!

So you can go from "hustling and chasing" for listings - and instead enjoy having a proven model in place to generate steady new listings for you.

If you agree that it's time we get your listing business growing properly, once and for all...

Then I just cut a video for you that shares all the details and gives you the link to get one of the 100 spots.

Click HERE To Watch the Video

Let's get listings :-)




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