Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Exploit this simple loophole on zillow

There's a new exploit for Zillow.

It allows you to siphon super high quality leads off Zillow, at no cost.

Normally, if you want the quality leads from Zillow, you have to sign up for Zillow Premier, which is ~$1200/mo per zip code.

Uh, no thanks.

Instead, I exploit a simple loophole (on certain listings that don't even belong to me).

I'm getting more leads than a Premier Agent. And it's free.

This one hack is bringing us 5 listing leads and 8 buyer leads.

Per week. For free.


It's totally ethical, by the way. And it's simple too -- ANYONE can do it.

When you see it, you'll want to implement it right away.

An agent in Texas is taking 1 listing per week from this playbook.

Want to learn the hack from me?

I shared the whole playbook in a live webinar and you can watch it today only.

​​Webinar: How to Get Free Leads from Zillow​​

Chris is sharing everything you need to execute at no cost.

The playbook and all the tools/apps:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to Fizbonanza
⚡️ Free access to Listing Cake
⚡️ Free access to Photo Brand
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours


After you watch, you will be the only agent in your office who LOVES Zillow.

See you there.

-Chris Jones

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