Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Our latest app (download)

Want to see our latest free app?

I use this app to sign ~8 clients per month -- both buyers and sellers.

It's called Bulletproof CMA.

It's really easy to use...

  1. Take a property
  2. Follow the MLS search prompts
  3. Enter the values

And voila! Download an airtight value for any property in the MLS in <15min.

I use this process to book 4-5 listing appointments per month, and to secure buyers' agency agreements with every buyer prospect I help.

I'm sharing the entire process in a webinar later today.

Webinar: Bulletproof CMA (live)
Wed, March 27 @ 12:00PM Eastern

I'll cover:

  1. How I generate the lead...
  2. My 1st follow up call script...
  3. And finally, exactly how I book the listing appointment or secure a buyers agency agreement

Want to join? We only have 250 seats, so you'll need to register.

Here's what you'll get for attending:

  • Free lifetime account to Bulletproof CMA app
  • My #1 marketing playbook for getting no-nurture leads
  • Replay access for 48 hours


This webinar is incredibly important for buyers agents and listing agents alike.

This will be 100% live and I'll get to answer YOUR questions on the air.

Can't wait! See you there.

-Chris Jones

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