Tuesday, March 26, 2024

(Part 2) Brass Tacks on the NAR Lawsuit & Settlement

Last week I sent out the email below along with a link to a brand new listing training for 2024 as a response to the NAR lawsuit.

I'm resending it but with updated links and updated time for a PART 2 Live Training this week... Wednesday 6pm EST / 3pm PST.

Here's the email from last week but with new links for the Part 2 training this week:

-- Last Week's Email --

Lot's of emails lighting up my inbox the past week about the NAR lawsuit and settlement.

So look, I've been in the real estate game since 2009.

In these past 15 years I've watched entire business models, "hot" marketing tactics, and wholesale algorithm changes come and go.

And boiled down to brass tacks, here's what the NAR settlement really means for real estate agents:

Listings are now King, Queen, and Butler.

As you know, we've got a saying in our world:

"List to Last".

The NAR settlement just upgraded that saying to:

"List to Survive".

Said differently:

"List or Die".

We can discuss all the opinions about the NAR settlement until we're blue in the face...

... but boiled down to brass tacks...

You know, like:

  • Making the mortgage payment
  • Covering the car payment
  • Putting food on the table
  • Covering the kids' tuition
  • Affording nice dinners and a few vacations
  • Putting a little aside for a rainy day
  • Actually growing your business every year

... and being able to do it WITHOUT stressing 24/7 or constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul...

What it all means is:

If you don't have a system or method for getting steady new listings, that works consistently and predictably, your life is gonna get way harder.

However, if you have a method or system in place for getting steady new listings, you'll not just survive, but you'll actually THRIVE.

To help you do just that, I'm hosting a BRAND NEW PART 2 listing training Wednesday at 6pm EST / 3pm PST as an "emergency meeting" in response to this:

"LIST or DIE: $500K a Year Listing Business Blueprint (NAR & Beyond)"

In this training today you're gonna learn:

  • A step-by-step $500k a Year Listing Business Blueprint that works in 2024, in response to the coming shake up of the NAR settlemen and beyond
  • The 3 things EVERY agent I know who is consistently hitting mid-6 or 7-figures a year is doing differently
  • How ANY agent can implement all this into their business regardless of your budget size, market location, or experience level (meaning you don't need a "7-figure agent budget" to make this work)
  • What Reflexive Marketing is, why every real estate MUST know how this works, and why it's gonna probably be the only way to get quality listing leads that actually turn into phone calls and listing appointments (I learned this from seeing the behind-the-scenes marketing playbooks of agents doing $500k to $1.5 million a year in commission income...)

This BRAND NEW PART 2 live training Wednesday at 6pm EST / 3pm PST is FREE and very timely for what we're facing right now in our industry.

Click HERE To Save Your Seat To This FREE Training

See you later today.





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