Friday, May 10, 2024

Pipeline Pro Tools


You recently watched my Limitless Listing Leads webinar.

My method for taking more listings is pretty simple...

  1. Get 80 buyer leads
  2. Typically, 37 are selling their current home
  3. Statistically, 24 are local
  4. On average, 15 will answer the phone
  5. Call & offer a Bulletproof CMA

Boom 11 CMA requests per month!

So... where are you at in the process?

Most agents get stuck on step 1.

Unless you have Pipeline Pro Tools.

Pro Tools is our flagship product -- a complete marketing engine for REALTORS.

Agents have an 82% success rate on the process above ^ with Pro Tools.

That success rate goes up to 100% when the agent completes the custom marketing plan that we create for them when they join.

Would you like to get a demo?

This is a 30min session with a marketing coach.

You'll see behind the scenes of Pro Tools. And we'll bribe you to do it.

Book and show up for a demo, and we'll let you download our #1 buyer lead playbook 100% free of charge.

Get a demo + 1 free playbook <<<

Hope you enjoy!

-Chris Jones

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