Friday, September 13, 2024

[Exposed] Why cold calling doesn’t work

My friend Allyson and her team used to think that cold calling was the only way to get listings.

And then they got their first listing without cold calling.

They were hooked! She felt like calling her old coach and telling him, "I'm never going to cold call ever again!"

Here's why it felt so good:

#1 - It was so easy to get that listing.

You know how all the coaches like to train you on objection handling?

They didn't have to use any of them to get the listing.

Why not? Well, the sellers didn't have any objections.

They simply wanted to hire her team to sell their home!

It was like they were transported to an alternate universe. One without objection handlers, tie-downs, and all that weird stuff my coach tried to get them to do.

#2 - They didn't come across as just another agent desperate for a listing.

And we all know how desperation kills results.

Once they'd gotten that first listing, they stopped cold calling once and for all… and focused all their time on marketing instead.

Fast-forward to today and they've developed a rock-solid system so sellers call you to list their house.

So, Allyson is hosting a webinar where she'll show you exactly what their doing… and how you can do the same thing in your market.

So join her on the workshop and she'll break it all down for you.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Notice: Allyson and I are not affiliated. She has her company, and we have ours. I'm promoting this webinar because I think it's good! Hope you enjoy.

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