Thursday, January 11, 2018

Free spreadsheet/calculator for REALTORS

Friendly reminder: This week is the last chance to get the Ultimate Website system at the current pricing. After Friday, the price goes up permanently. But if you're an existing member, you are locked in at today's price forever. Click here to check current price and availability in your market.


Hey all,

This whole month we're focusing on how to hit your goals in 2018.

There are plenty of people out there who will tell you to just keep grinding.

But if you're like me, "grinding" doesn't appeal to you. In fact, I almost quit real estate after "grinding" for the first 6 months.

I was working 80+ hours per week doing EVERYTHING I was supposed to do, and I was on track to make about $30K. No thanks.

So I took a personal day to do some real soul searching. Had I made a mistake getting into real estate? Or was I just going about it all wrong?

If I was honest with myself, I had gotten into real estate without a clear plan. I thought if I was working hard (ie grinding) the money would come easy. I couldn't have been more wrong.

So I spent that day planning out my business for the next 12 months. I set some pretty ambitious goals for myself.

One goal was I wanted to list 50 houses that year. The other agents in my office laughed at me -- called it a pipe dream. Who was I to list 50 houses? I was on track to be a completely average agent.

That year I didn't hit my goal... I crushed it. I listed 114 houses, and my listings sold in half the average days on market.

But you don't just luck into 114 individual listings. Let's walk back and start from the beginning.

Before I could dominate the listing market... I had to build a specific plan to get there.

And before I could build a specific plan I had to decide what I wanted out of real estate.

What do you want? A short guide to dreamlining.

In the next few days we are going to "reverse engineer" your goals. This is a process I use to deconstruct goals into the smallest possible components -- the exact ingredients that will go into making your goal a reality.

However, before we can reverse engineer your goals, you need to be absolutely clear about what your goals are.

Imagine I'm Ryan Gosling from The Notebook.
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I'm not talking about how much money you want to make. I'm not looking for a glib answer like "six figures". 

I want to dig a little deeper. What do you want in life? What is the dream lifestyle you are after?

If you don't know how to answer this question, don't worry… it's more common than you think. 

However, you need to be able answer it before we can begin the reverse engineer process.
Spend some time this week and imagine your life one year in the future if all your dreams came true

What would your typical day look like? Where do you live? What do you do when you wake up? What do you do with your free time? 

Write everything down (be as detailed as possible). No answer is too extravagant or too mundane. 

Maybe you want a new car. Maybe you want to travel the world with your spouse. Maybe you want to send your kids to college debt free. Maybe you just want to be able to take a month off every year to focus on other projects.

There are no wrong answers. Think about what you truly want, then express each answer on your list as a monthly expense.

This is a process called dreamlining. The goal is to express your dream lifestyle as a dollar figure so that it can be reverse engineered. From there we can create a plan to achieve it.

I created a spreadsheet that you can use to calculate your target monthly income, with a built-in buffer and savings plan. Click here to get it.

After you open it, create a copy and rename it. Spend at least an hour developing an accurate dreamline.

Your output from this calculator will only be as good as your input. I want you to add detailed costs down to the penny.

Play around with the buffer size and savings plan until you're happy with it. The result will be your target monthly income.

Then you'll be ready start reverse engineering everything.

I'm super excited about the next lesson. I'll be doing a live business plan with an agent over the phone -- and I'll show you the whole process in less than 20 minutes.


If you want some personal help with your business from us, check to see if our tools are available in your area.

Again, we're going to be talking about goals and business planning all month. Follow along if you want 2018 to be your biggest year ever.

I'm going to walk you through real agent examples and then help you to come up with a plan of your own with reliable and repeatable techniques so that you can get where you want to goal.

Some of you have a jumpstart on this training because you are on our Facebook Group. Feel free to join us.


Btw I get asked all the time. How much does my system cost? Only $100 for the whole system, plus you get my robocaller, ad generator and a bunch of other goodies.

HOWEVER, the price goes up after Friday.

If you want to lock in current pricing all you have to do is check to see if it's available in your area first.

Get My Ultimate Website System

(Or check to see if it's available in your area)

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - Have you joined my private Facebook group yet? It's free, and I'll sharing secret tactics I don't feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Join and meet and new like-minded agents.

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