Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"Keep Grinding" is Not an Answer

Friendly reminder: This week is the last chance to get the Ultimate Website system at the current pricing. After Friday, the price goes up permanently. But if you're an existing member, you are locked in at today's price forever. Click here to check current price and availability in your market.


Hey all,

It's the beginning of a New Year, so naturally we're all thinking about our goals for 2018. The problem is most of us go about it the wrong way.

So this month is going to be all about goals -- and how to achieve them.

I've coached thousands of agents over the past decade. The first thing I do with a student is a planning strategy session.

Most agents groan at the idea of "business planning" until they see how awesome it can be.

Yesterday I did one of these planning strategy sessions with Jim.

His goal is to quit his day job and go full-time in real estate. His "stretch" goal is that his real estate career might someday allow his wife to quit the job she hates and stay home with their children.

So I asked him how he planned to achieve these goals. His answer? To keep grinding until he got there.

There is a Better Way

If we're honest, we're all Jim. Most of us want to be successful, but we never bother to figure out what that means or what it would take to achieve it.

The "keep grinding" philosophy hasn't helped Jim reach his goal yet, and if he doesn't change it then he probably never will.

And neither will the rest of us.

For Jim to gain the freedom he wants, he needs specific goals and he needs a specific plan for how to achieve those goals.

The reason why Jim didn't have a better answer than "keep grinding" is likely the same reason you don't -- nobody teaches this stuff.

You don't learn it in real estate school. Maybe one in a million brokers even understand how to achieve a goal, let alone know how to teach it.

The truth is we're all pretty much on our own when it comes to planning our business.

But It Doesn't Have to Be Complicated

I am not talking about the kind of plan that takes days to write and includes several pages of projections and financials.

Instead, I am talking about using a simple tool to break your goals down into daily actionable steps you can follow to achieve your goal by the end of the year.

My conversation with Jim lasted a half hour and by the end, he had a vision for attaining freedom in 2018. He knew what he had to do and more importantly, he finally had a realistic plan for achieving his goals.

If you want some personal help with your business from us, check to see if our tools are available in your area.

Again, we're going to be talking about goals and business planning all month. Follow along if you want 2018 to be your biggest year ever.

I'm going to walk you through real agent examples and then help you to come up with a plan of your own with reliable and repeatable techniques so that you can get where you want to goal.

Some of you have a jumpstart on this training because you are on our Facebook Group. Feel free to join us.


Btw I get asked all the time. How much does my system cost? Only $100 for the whole system, plus you get my robocaller, ad generator and a bunch of other goodies.

HOWEVER, the price goes up after Friday.

If you want to lock in current pricing all you have to do is check to see if it's available in your area first.

Get My Ultimate Website System

(Or check to see if it's available in your area)

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - Have you joined my private Facebook group yet? It's free, and I'll sharing secret tactics I don't feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Join and meet and new like-minded agents.

Guerilla Realty
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