Friday, March 16, 2018

Five Dollar Lead Strategy

Hey all,

We have been dissecting how to use video to grow your business all month long in conjunction with our new free

Whenever we talk growing your business, we don't just want to talk about nebulus "brand building" or "getting your name out there".

Unfortunately, those types of activities all-too-often keep agents busy all day without any real return.

Instead we want to talk lead generation. Finding customers. Prospecting.

The basic components of any lead generation strategy are these:

Customer -> Bait -> Trap

The beauty of video is that if you have a great listing video then you have the bait problem solved.

And in some ways it's the best bait there is right now.

Social media platforms and search engines are rewarding good video with premium placement.

Consumers are viewing more video than they ever have.

For most agents lack of editing skills or creative vision kept them from making great videos, but with Listing Cake, we removed those barriers.

If you haven't tried it out, grab your phone and go make a video this weekend.

Now onto today's lead generation strategy.

Every home for sale has listing signs with an agent's contact information and sometimes even their face.

These listing signs are often the most reliable passive lead generation tools an agent has.

But that only works for customers who are ready to connect with an agent and are interested enough in that property to call the agent directly and schedule a showing.

That means they are missing potentially dozens of leads--people who liked the property but are too early on in the buying cycle to contact an agent.

So other agents take it a step farther and even attach plastic tubes filled with papers listing the home's details.

But let's be honest. Filling a plastic tube with paper is a pretty dated approach in today's digital world.

And it's a pain in the neck to continually refill them.

But what if you could put the next best thing to a live home-showing in front of those passers-by--a great video tour.

No, I'm not talking about reprinting all of your expensive yard signs.

Just go out and get some $5 corrugated plastic riders to go on your existing signs.

Then make sure you have a great trap.

We use our text auto-responder which captures leads of anyone who initiates contact with it.

Maybe it looks something like this.

Customers (listing drive-bys)

Bait (great listing video)

Trap (text auto-responder)


It doesn't get more uncomplicated than that.

We used our text auto-responder for this strategy and there are a dozens of services that offer it for between $40-60/mo + codes and text messages used.

It's included as part of our Pipeline Pro Tools system with unlimited codes and text messages.

It starts at $99/mo. And has a ton of other capture tools. No contract and we guarantee it works.

We do limit availability so that we don't have too many agents in a single market using our tools.

Check to see if we have availability in your market.

For the rest of March, we are going to give you different lead generation strategies all using video as bait. Stay tuned.

Guerilla Realty
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