Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Generate leads with a listing video

Hey all,

In my last email, I told you if you help us get 100+ shares for Listing Cake, then I'll share a cool lead strategy with you.

Well you guys delivered huge…


So now I owe you.

I'm gonna show you a simple strategy where you can use Listing Cake (a free tool) to capture 10+ new leads this week.

We all agree Listing Cake is a great tool for creating professional looking video tours.

However, we didn't build this tool just so you can impress your friends with a nifty video...

Video is actually a powerful lead generation weapon, if you know how to use it.

Let me show you.

Thirty years ago, agents/brokers had all the power. If a buyer wanted to see a property they needed you.

You had access to all the area homes for sale, and they didn't, so you were valuable (even if you did nothing else).

Today, there's been a huge shift in power.

Buyers can look up everything online. Photos, tax history, comps, school info, sex offenders... it's all available online. Except one thing.

Your value as an agent bas been greatly reduced, but there's still one thing they want that Zillow can never provide. A showing.

Buyers want to actually tour the property.

What if you could provide this experience online?
It would be pretty valuable, no?

This is why our new video creation tool Listing Cake is such a powerful lead gen weapon.

You can now create an amazing digital property tour, something buyers desperately want to get online but can't get anywhere else.

Sure, I know Zillow allows videos. But 99.9% of Zillow listings still don't have video. And smart agents won't upload their videos to Zillow. That would be giving one of your most powerful lead gen weapons over to Zillow.

Video lead capture strategy

Let's get to actual strategy.

Follow these steps generate 10+ leads over the next seven days.

Step 1: Infrastructure

All lead capture strategies are designed around this basic setup:

Customer -> Bait -> Trap

For this strategy the bait will be your video tour (you can use Listing Cake for this). If you don't have any listings, don't sweat it. You can do a video tour for ANY property you want to advertise.

In this video we created a video tour for a listing that wasn't ours.

The trap will be your video delivery system.

I've tested dozens of different ways to deliver my video tours. Email, website, text, you name it.

The delivery system that consistently generates the most high quality leads is a text auto-responder.

My system Pipeline Pro Tools comes with an awesome text auto-responder that I use to deliver my video tours.

You can check availability in your area here.

If you don't have Pipeline Pro Tools or it's not available in your area, you could try another text auto responder system.

But you definitely DON'T want to be trying to deliver your video tour on your own. Create a system that works even when you're sleeping.

Step 2: Traffic

Now that your infrastructure is in place, you need to attract some mice.

Create a listing video with listingcake.com. Upload it to Facebook or YouTube. Then save a direct link to your video.

Now program your text-auto responder to deliver the link.

Here's how my system works.

Everywhere I advertise the listing, I add a simple call to action…

"Text 77777 to 555-555-1234 for a complete video tour"

When they text the unique property code, my system automatically texts them back this message…

"Hey, thanks for your interest in 123 Elmwood. Here's a video tour of the house:


Let me know if you have any questions."

Step 3: Leads

Simultaneously my system captures the buyer's phone number and uploads it to my crm, so that I can follow up.

Now I have a new lead.

How simple is that?

Again, if you want Pipeline Pro Tools, click here to check availability.

Implement this strategy this afternoon and I personally guarantee you'll generate 10+ leads in the next seven days.

Tomorrow I'll share a new traffic source that has been incredible for me (and totally free) that you'd never think of.

Talk to you then.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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