Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Meet Nick

Hey all,

You don't know Nick.

He's just a regular guy from Michigan. And a great REALTOR.

We met Nick this spring when he signed up for Pipeline Pro Tools.

He got set up and got 30+ buyer leads his first weekend using the system. And within the month he pended his first deal at $560,000.

Let's review the timeline again:

April 18: Nick gets PPT
May 23: Pends his first deal at $560,000

That's a gross commission of $16,000+ btw.

Hmmm, maybe he works in a luxury market.

Nope. Avg sale prices is $160K.

Maybe he bought expensive ads.

Nope. He ran free classified ads, mostly on Craigslist.

There are two big takeaways from Nick's story.

#1 - You need lead capture tools.

We don't care if you get Pipeline Pro Tools or you get something else. But you need to have the ability to capture leads automatically from your ads.

#2 - Don't make excuses.

Nick had plenty. He works in a low end market, he doesn't have a fancy high-powered marketing setup, and he doesn't possess any other unfair advantages.

He just got the right tool + the right strategy, and he got to work.

The only thing that might stop you from using the same tools as Nick is if we're sold out in your area.

It only takes 10 seconds to find out. Here's the link


Otherwise, stay tuned. Exciting announcement next week!

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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