Saturday, September 1, 2018

A map

Hey all,

Chris here.

As you know, we at Guerilla Realty basically wrote the book on real estate lead capture software.

Starting around 15 years ago before many of our readers even had their real estate license, let alone a lead capture website. (Raise your hand if you're one of the few who had both!)

It put us on CNN and it got us invited to several national conferences

Today we prefer to spend our time testing new strategies, developing formulas, and publishing guides on how to grow your real estate business.

In the past six weeks we've showed you how to use Facebook to generate quality real estate leads.

None of the strategies involved running complicated Facebook ads or building a confusing email "funnel". In fact, the strategies didn't cost a dime and any of them could be implemented in about 15-20 minutes.

Yet in the process of testing these strategies, my brother Levi and I captured 25+ quality real estate leads.

That's in addition to the other 100+ leads we generated from Zillow, Craigslist, and beyond.

We rarely pitch our lead capture software Pipeline Pro Tools, but today I'm going to make an exception.

If you had Pipeline Pro Tools (PPT) in your arsenal, you could easily capture an extra 75-100 leads per month.

(Adrian from Indiana has captured 300 leads in one month.)

If you had PPT, you could stop spending money on shady leads from Zillow,, or wherever else you might be buying from.

And if you had PPT, you could finally put your lead generation on autopilot and spend all your time actually doing real estate.

We limit availability for each region, so you will have to check on availability for your area. But if it's available, then you can get the whole system for as little as $67/mo.

And today I'm going to make the deal a little sweeter. If you buy our Pipeline Pro Tools software today, I'll throw in a month of personal 1-on-1 coaching with me and my brother Levi.

This is extremely intensive accountability training that walks you through a roadmap to rapidly grow your practice. It costs $2,500 per month, but if you sign up today or tomorrow, you'll get it free.

Just enter the code "ROADMAP" at checkout.

Here's the link to sign up.

Have a great weekend. We look forward to working with some of you 1-on-1.

All the best,



Guerilla Realty
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