Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Watch me create a listing ad (.mp4)


When I create a new listing ad, I expect it to capture 2-3 quality leads per week.

I know that my team's production is highest when I get 20-30 lead per week. So I create 10 listing ads, and I'm done.

These aren't my listings, and the whole process only takes me 10 minutes per ad (max). If you've ever been curious how I do it, you're in luck.

Last week I was invited to share my strategy via Facebook Live with the 32,907 members of the NREA Facebook group.

That's a private group, but because I'm awesome, I sneaked a copy of the live feed and uploaded it to Youtube.


=> Watch me create a listing ad <=

Also, whenever I share this strategy, I get a ton of follow up questions about our lead capture software. It's called Pipeline Pro Tools, and we've set aside 10 slots for live demos this week.

You can use the strategy I out line above absolutely free. But this software is how I supercharge it. It captures me a lot more leads, and saves me a ton of time and headache.

Anyway, if you want a demo here's the link

If you're just curious if we have availability in your area, you can check here:

All the best,

Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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