Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Going live

Hey, quick reminder...

I'm going live now to share how to double your business with reverse engineering.

Here's the link to join -> https://zoom.us/j/676333524

I'm giving away my 2020 business calculator FREE in this workshop. Join to get the download.

Training starts now.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

2020 business calculator (free)

Today is the day. I'm going live @ 12pm eastern.

I'll be sharing the tool + the process we used to double our real estate business 4 years ago.

-> How to Double Your Business with Reverse Engineering

You'll get a complete Playbook for getting doubling your real estate business in 7 days.

Tues, Dec 31 @ 12:00pm Eastern


If you want the Playbook but are busy during can't attend today, register anyway and I'll send you the replay plus all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

See you soon. This is going to be good!

-Chris Jones

Monday, December 30, 2019

Question (plus a webinar tomorrow)

Quick question... What's your 2020 goal?

Want to double your real estate business? 2x transactions... 2x GCI... 2x your listings?

Then let's go!

4 years ago my brother and I doubled our real estate business. Funny thing is it didn't take years or even months to 2x our business. It took about 1 week.

We used 1 very specific tool along with a simple process. And I'm going to show it to you in a free training tomorrow.

On Tuesday I'm sharing How to Double Your Business with Reverse Engineering

During which I'll GIVE you my 2020 business calculator.

Tues, Dec 31 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it....

  • How to reverse engineer your whole real estate biz in 45min
  • 3 things you can do today to 2x your business in 1 week
  • How to build a growth engine that runs in your sleep
  • + 2 calculators & marketing playbooks

There's a 200-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

How I doubled my real estate business in 1 week

Quick question... What's your 2020 goal?

Want to double your real estate business? 2x transactions... 2x GCI? More?

That's what I am going to help you with this week. :)

4 years ago my brother and I doubled our real estate business. Funny thing is it didn't take years or even months to 2x our business. It took about 1 week.

Last summer we doubled it again. Each time we used 1 very specific tool along with a simple process. And we want to show it to you.

On Tuesday I'm sharing How to Double Your Business with Reverse Engineering

During which I'll give you my 2020 business calculator.

Tues, Dec 31 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it....

  • How to reverse engineer your whole real estate biz in 45min
  • 3 things you can do today to 2x your business in 1 week
  • How to build a growth engine that runs in your sleep
  • + 2 calculators & marketing playbooks

There's a 200-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

Sunday, December 29, 2019

2020 business calculator (download)

Quick question... What's your 2020 goal?

Want to double your real estate business? 2x transactions... 2x GCI? More?

That's what I am going to help you with this week. :)

4 years ago my brother and I doubled our real estate business. Funny thing is it didn't take years or even months to 2x our business. It took about 1 week.

Last summer we doubled it again. Each time we used 1 very specific tool along with a simple process. And we want to show it to you.

On Tuesday I'm sharing How to Double Your Business with Reverse Engineering

During which I'll give you my 2020 business calculator.

Tues, Dec 31 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it....

  • How to reverse engineer your whole real estate biz in 45min
  • 3 things you can do today to 2x your business in 1 week
  • How to build a growth engine that runs in your sleep
  • + 2 calculators & marketing playbooks

There's a 200-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to get listings from your database 👥

Take your database seriously in 2020

You'll learn from Frank Klesitz exactly how to do it right

Get Your $299 Early Bird Ticket Now

Real estate colleagues –

I'm so excited to reveal our hand-picked speakers for Next Level Agents Live 2020!

(After our success last year with 400+ attendees, we've had a ton of speaker requests. We turned most of them down. You'll see only the most talented, vetted, and experienced people we personally know who will really help you).

I want to officially announce Frank Klesitz, CEO of Vyral Marketing will be speaking at NLA 2020!

Frank started and runs a company of 60+ video editors, writers, designers, and marketing consultants to help you get more business from your database with social media and video.

No - he's not here to sell you anything. You will not get any products or services pitched to you. However, we are paying clients, and do in fact strongly recommend you hire them.

Frank and his team have implemented the marketing for over 1,000+ top agents since 2009. He knows exactly how to build a list of homeowners who want to sell their home and get them to call you.

I worked with him to pick a critical topic we all need to take more seriously.

Frank will first share how to reconnect with your neglected past clients and sphere in your database, and then how to create video topics they want to watch so they call you directly to do business.

We all know there's a lot of disruption taking place. It's the theme of our event.

Doubling down on your database - just like we have - is what we all need to do to stay competitive (among other strategies and tactics you'll learn at NLA Live 2020).

Frank's talk will be 100% actionable. He's going to cover details on the following points…

  1. Exporting contacts from your CRM, Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn and more
  2. Append missing information and clean up emails so you can message them
  3. Create a local community real estate video blog that generates leads
  4. Pick video topics homeowners want to watch that motivates them to call you
  5. Promote your videos with email and social media correctly so you get business

Frank will share plenty of current agent examples, scripts, topics, and more. You can swipe and deploy it all for yourself! You'll see our videos and results, too. (yikes!)

We 100% guarantee you'll leave with a plan to get more sales from your #1 business asset – your database of past clients, sphere, and leads - so you're not dependent on cold calls or buying expensive advertising. 

Please buy your ticket right now. I want you to secure your spot at the lowest possible pricing.

Our "Early Bird" tickets will go fast…the price goes up to $349 by Feb 29th!

I invite you to get your ticket now. You'll see Frank and 20+ of the industry's top experts, leaders, and profitable mega agents at Next Level Agents Live 2020.

Get your "Early Bird" ticket now for only $299.

Your friends, 

Kevin Kauffman / Fred Weaver / Cody Gibson 

P.S. Frank published an excellent landing page and email to generate legitimate seller leads from your database right now. We're sending it out shortly. Our friend Jeff Cook - one of the top agents the USA - generated 21 "come list me" leads from his database for free. That's just incredible. A story like this really shows you the power of what Frank will be talking about. You can see the email and landing page on Frank's blog. Implement it and post your results in our Facebook group.

Copyright © 2019 KFC LLC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as a member of our Facebook group, Next Level Agents.

Our mailing address is:
4450 S Rural Rd Ste D
Tempe, AZ 85282-7017

Add us to your address book

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Next Level Agents Live 2020 👏

We're Back!


April 23-25 2020 in Scottsdale, AZ 
@ The Talking Stick Resort 

Get Your $299 Early Bird Ticket Now


Dear Real Estate Colleague –  

You're invited to buy your super early bird ticket to our Next Level Agents LIVE event in 2020! 

Get your ticket right now for only $299.

The deadline, before prices go up to $349, is February 29th. 

We also have a room block. You can get your room at this super awesome resort in Scottsdale for only $149 a night. Rooms at this price are extremely limited, so book now.  

No joke – these rooms go for $239+ a night in the spring when everyone is here to golf and take in spring training baseball games. 

Now, I'm sure you're wondering…. 

"Hey Kevin, Fred, and Cody - with all these real estate conferences I'm thinking about committing to in 2020 during this relaxing holiday break, why must I come to this one?" 

That's a great question! 

Zillow, Open Door and all these other Silicon Valley based real estate start-ups have taken 12,000 real estate transactions out of our Phoenix market. Read that sentence again. 

That is a giant sucking sound of commission money leaving agent's pockets. 

Fred and I are running a real estate team right here in the middle of ground zero.  

Everywhere around town we go – from billboards, TV, radio, internet, and more – we see these companies dropping millions of dollars on the unsuspecting public. You'll see it when you're here. 

Fred and I still sold 300 homes last year while being assaulted on all sides by competitors. 

We want you to be able to do the same. But "business as usual" is no more. Most of our business comes from our database of past clients, centers of influence, and a few internet leads – but what's most important are the marketing and business strategies we have in place to compete against these disruptors. 

You will learn every one of these strategies at our event to make 2020 your most profitable year. 

This is the first email you'll receive about NLA LIVE 2020. We really want you to come. 

Just over 400 people joined us last year. We expect to DOUBLE that size this year! Cody, Fred and I put down a signification amount of money to make this the best real estate event you've ever attended. 

Stay tuned for speaker announcements. You'll be impressed with who is coming… 

Our theme for the event is "how to bring your business back to profitability in the face of disruption." 

This way, you can adjust your business approach to earn a great living in real estate - not only this year - but for 3, 5, 10+ years from now too. 

So - join us at ground zero for real estate disruption and learn how to compete! We'll lead the way…. 

Also, say hello in our Next Level Agents Facebook Group and learn all about how to grow your real estate business from productive agents who are doing it every day. 

Get your ticket right now for only $299.

Your friends, 

Kevin Kauffman / Fred Weaver / Cody Gibson 

P.S. A big thank you to Vyral Marketing for helping us promote the event. Frank Klesitz, the CEO, is a speaker. He is presenting "How to Reconnect with Your Neglected Database to Increase Your Listings." We recommend you check them out. We are paying clients of theirs for our real estate business and you should be too. Read Frank's blog and check out what they do for you

Copyright © 2019 KFC LLC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as a member of our Facebook group, Next Level Agents.

Our mailing address is:
4450 S Rural Rd Ste D
Tempe, AZ 85282-7017

Add us to your address book

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Free gift to you, from us

Pre-S - The price on our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools goes up $400 soon. If you've been considering it, there will never be a better time. If you want to get it before the price goes up forever, click here to get a demo.

I've got a cool Christmas gift for you.

Last summer I did a lead generation training. Approximately 190 agents attended.

The training is 3 lessons and lasts 45 mins. Then I jump into my favorite part, Q&A.

During the Q&A an agent named Rey chimed in.

We had never met, but he told all the agents in attendance to go implement the training immediately because it really works.

Turns out he had just closed a deal using the same strategy I had taught him the month before. Boom!

I didn't get into specifics on the deal, but the average commission in his market is $18,040. (Market is Honolulu, HI.) His actual commission might have been a little less or a little more.

The coolest part is that he didn't even buy our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools.

He just took the training, put an ad together, and ran it 3 times.

His result: He's $18k richer today.

Can you imagine how good it would feel to have a proven marketing playbook for your real estate business? One that you *knew* would work every time you ran it.

It feels good. No, it feels GREAT.

Here's all you need:

- Find your lead number (can be tricky, but VERY important)
- Run a proven marketing playbook (free)
- Have lead gen software to capture customers

And that's my gift to you: A permanent recording of the actual webinar that made Rey $18,000.

🎁 How to build a lead gen machine (.mp4)

Merry Christmas! Enjoy!

One more thing...

If you're thinking about getting Pipeline Pro Tools before the price goes up, I don't want you to rush into anything... just get a demo!

We'll show you the entire system and what it would look like for you to use Pro Tools in your practice.

Here's the link again - > http://www.calendly.com/guerilla-realty/demo

When you book a demo, we'll GIVE you our Craigslist playbook to download and keep forever.

Talk soon,

-Chris Jones

Only 1/5th of your biz matters

The eighty-twenty rule. Aka as The Pareto Principle. You've probably heard it somewhere.

It states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Quick example... it's December. Most agents are taking the month off.

Roughly 80% of homes will be sold by the top 20% of agents.

Here's another example. Out of all the activities you do this week to grow your business, only 20% of those activities will produce 80% of your results.

That means only 1/5th of what you do this week will have a measurable impact on your business.

What if you could flip the script?

What if you could take the little blue slice that matters and double it?

And what if you could eliminate the big red portion that's sucking all of your energy?

Instantly you'd grow your business by 60% while cutting your workload in half.

Here's what 60% growth looks like in real life...

Income before vs income after
- $30k => $48k
- $50k => $80k
- $80k => $128k

This is what I do with my real estate team and my software business every quarter.

We track every activity and every result and we clearly identify what's really working and what's just sucking our energy.

We've found that out of the dozen-or-so thing the average agent does each week, only 2 things seem to really matter.

1. Generating fresh contacts/leads
2. Phone follow up

That's it. I'll say it again. Getting leads. And following up with them by phone.

As with most things of course the devil is in the details. What qualifies as a "lead" and how do you generate them?

In our book, a "lead" means a name and phone number of someone you KNOW is buying/selling in the next 105 days.

And we've boiled "getting leads" down to 3 simple marketing playbooks that we run over and over with our software Pipeline Pro Tools. Brings us 5-10 new leads per day!

You could do the same thing.

Or you could be like Matt Mouser. He focused on these 2 simple activities and doubled his business 2 years in a row. Now he is a consistent six figure earner in a slow market where the avg sale price is < $150k.

Or you could be like Adrian F. He focused on these 2 things and he went from ~12 transactions in 2018 to 40+ transactions in 2019.

All you need is a desire to grow, a willingness to take action, and Pipeline Pro Tools.

The question is this. Are you going to be among the blue slice of agents who grows this month? Or the red swath of agents who wastes a lot of energy?

Btw if you're considering Pipeline Pro Tools, your timing couldn't be better because we are bumping the price on January 1 2020.

You can start by getting a quick demo. If you book a demo (and show up), we'll give you 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks to keep free (your choice).

>>> Get a demo <<<

You'll get to see inside the software, exactly how it works, plus 1-2 instances how you could run Pro Tools in your business right away. And it's all free.

Here's the direct link one more time -> http://www.calendly.com/guerilla-realty/demo

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Monday, December 23, 2019


The eighty-twenty rule. Aka as The Pareto Principle. You've probably heard it somewhere.

It states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Quick example... it's December. Most agents are taking the month off.

Roughly 80% of homes will be sold by the top 20% of agents.

Here's another example. Out of all the activities you do this week to grow your business, only 20% of those activities will produce 80% of your results.

That means only 1/5th of what you do this week will have a measurable impact on your business.

What if you could flip the script?

What if you could take the little blue slice that matters and double it?

And what if you could eliminate the big red portion that's sucking all of your energy?

Instantly you'd grow your business by 60% while cutting your workload in half.

Here's what 60% growth looks like in real life...

Income before vs income after
- $30k => $48k
- $50k => $80k
- $80k => $128k

This is what I do with my real estate team and my software business every quarter.

We track every activity and every result and we clearly identify what's really working and what's just sucking our energy.

We've found that out of the dozen-or-so thing the average agent does each week, only 2 things seem to really matter.

1. Generating fresh contacts/leads
2. Phone follow up

That's it. I'll say it again. Getting leads. And following up with them by phone.

As with most things of course the devil is in the details. What qualifies as a "lead" and how do you generate them?

In our book, a "lead" means a name and phone number of someone you KNOW is buying/selling in the next 105 days.

And we've boiled "getting leads" down to 3 simple marketing playbooks that we run over and over with our software Pipeline Pro Tools. Brings us 5-10 new leads per day!

You could do the same thing.

Or you could be like Matt Mouser. He focused on these 2 simple activities and doubled his business 2 years in a row. Now he is a consistent six figure earner in a slow market where the avg sale price is < $150k.

Or you could be like Adrian F. He focused on these 2 things and he went from ~12 transactions in 2018 to 40+ transactions in 2019.

All you need is a desire to grow, a willingness to take action, and Pipeline Pro Tools.

The question is this. Are you going to be among the blue slice of agents who grows this month? Or the red swath of agents who wastes a lot of energy?

Btw if you're considering Pipeline Pro Tools, your timing couldn't be better because we are bumping the price on January 1 2020.

You can start by getting a quick demo. If you book a demo (and show up), we'll give you 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks to keep free (your choice).

>>> Get a demo <<<

You'll get to see inside the software, exactly how it works, plus 1-2 instances how you could run Pro Tools in your business right away. And it's all free.

Here's the direct link one more time -> http://www.calendly.com/guerilla-realty/demo

All the best,

-Chris Jones