Monday, March 16, 2020

Fear not

This email is going out to < 10% of our email subscribers.

If you're getting this email... it's because you are among our top most engaged subscribers, AND you've expressed an interest in our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools.

As a thank you for being awesome and downloading our stuff and using our apps and calculators, I want to give you my team's most powerful marketing playbook for doubling your business in a recession.

This is a legit step-by-step playbook, not fluff.

There are plenty of things happening around the world right now that could cause us to be afraid. It's amazing how having a proven plan of action can calm your nerves. And this playbook is exactly that. It's worked in every recent recession.

And if we enter an economic pullback later this year (no guarantee, but also no harm in being prepared), you can continue to grow on schedule if you're willing to put in the work.

Later this week, I will be doing an abbreviated workshop on this exact strategy, but I would like to give my top 10% subscribers the entire playbook today. It is a DEEP step-by-step guide my team uses to run this strategy over and over.

Okay, so how do you get it?

Just book a demo of Pipeline Pro Tools

As you know, this is my company's inbound lead gen software.

Here's what we do on these demos:

- Dig into your real estate business
- Help you find your True Lead Number
- Show you 1-2 free marketing examples you can try today
- Show you how Pro Tools could make your life 100x easier

Then we'll send you the complete listing playbook referenced above ^ after it's over. Yours to download and keep forever.

The whole thing takes 20 minutes (more if you have good questions), and the worst case scenario is you walk away with a few cool marketing ideas you can try right away.

Sound cool?

-> Book a demo & get playbook download

It's okay if you've booked a demo in the past. All I ask is that you be respectful of my team's time and show up with an honest desire to learn, because they are the world's best at what they do.

Talk soon,

-Chris Jones

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