Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quick and dirty recession formula

Pre-S - Worried about the market? Don't be. At the bottom of this email, I give you an opportunity to download 1 of our internal marketing playbooks that we run to get 100+ leads per month. You can start using it as soon as this afternoon.

Yesterday I did a free workshop walking you through the formula we developed to continue growing IF there's a recession. IT WAS AWESOME.

Here's the replay link if you missed it...

-> Double Your Business in a Recession - Replay (.mp4)
Includes download of my Recession Formula calc

We cover:
-How to reverse engineer your whole real estate business in 45min
-3 things you can do today to 2x your business in a recession
-Building a growth engine that runs in your sleep

I will be taking the workshop down in 48hrs.

I want to issue you a challenge.

Right now, do we know whether there will be a recession? No.

In fact, don't trust anyone who tells you that they know what's gonna happen.

However, here's 2 things I DO know.

1. There is a proven formula that you can use to grow your real estate business no matter what happens.
2. Simply having the formula is not enough.

You have to be an action taker.

Right now you have two options.

Option #1 - Play defense. Save, cut expenses, complain about the govt, be scared, hope and pray, refresh CNN and facebook all day. (<-- This is what 80% of agents will do.)

Option #2 - Offense. Attack! Double down on lead gen. Look for new angles. Have your best 8 weeks EVER.

What are you gonna do?

Watch the replay, grab your gear, and go implement it TODAY. 80% of agents will sit on the workshop and do nothing, 20% will take action this afternoon. Which group are you going to be in?

At the end of the webinar... I discussed my lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools. You do NOT need Pro Tools to follow the strategy. But it WILL make it 100x easier and more effective.

Get 1 free playbook download

Want to download 1 of our internal marketing playbooks for free?

Here's how:

Book a demo of Pipeline Pro Tools HERE. Here's what we do on them...

-We dig into your biz and find your Lead Number
-Show you Pro Tools inside/out
-Give you 1-2 marketing ideas you can use right away
-No obligation ever.

After the demo we send you the playbook download (your choice which one and yours to keep). You can use it right away. It's AWESOME!

Here's the direct link to book a demo and get the free playbook ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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