Saturday, April 25, 2020

Be like these 2 agents

Pre-S - We only have 4 demo slots left this week for our Pipeline Pro Tools software. If you want to get one before our Next Level deal expires and to take advantage of our 1-free-playbook offer, click here to book one before they're gone.

Today, you get to decide. What approach are you going to take to your business over the next 2-3 months?

In yesterday's email I outlined the 2 options you can choose from:

Option #1 - Play defense. Save, cut expenses, complain about the govt, be scared, hope and pray, refresh CNN and facebook all day. (<-- This is what 80% of agents will do.)


Option #2 - Offense. Attack! Double down on lead gen. Look for new angles. Have your best 8 weeks EVER.

Most agents will choose option 1. It's definitely easier. It shifts responsibility onto someone else (the virus, the govt, the economy, etc).

...or you can be like Kelly.

Kelly joined my "2x your business" workshop earlier this month.

That night, she was restless. She downloaded the calculators and went to work reverse engineering her business. Figuring out how to grow in ANY market.

She calculated her lead number (91), then she got to work on the free marketing playbook we gave her. No excuses, no wasting time. She just took action.

The next morning, she woke up to 3 new leads in her inbox. See below:

Now is she rich yet? No. She will hit her lead number this month (she has generated 25 more leads since that FB post), and the commission checks will follow...

...just like Matt Mouser.

Matt Mouser's practice is in Belmont, Michigan, a suburb of Grand Rapids.

He started out in real estate as the lowest member on a big team -- barely making it from deal to deal.

And because he was completely dependent on his team for leads, his split was brutal. He only kept ~40% of each commission.

But what could he do? He had no traction and no way to consistently get new customers.

That's when Matt and I met. I walked him through the Reverse Engineer process that I taught in the workshop I shared yesterday (and that Kelly went through).

For the first time ever, he was able to answer the question "What should I be focusing on today to grow my business?"

Then he joined Pipeline Pro Tools and ran just 1 of our plug-and-play marketing playbooks to start bringing in leads.

Within 30 days his pipeline was full.

Within 60 days he was working with multiple buyers and took his first listing.

And within 90 days he had closed his first deal.

(Oh, and by the way, he left his team and was now making a full 80%.)

Matt doubled his income two years in a row.

From $30k to $120k+.

But most importantly? He is completely in control of his business. He can turn his leads on or off like a faucet.

If you want to see results like this, don't miss our workshop deal on Pipeline Pro Tools.

Enter promo code "TLRNATION" to get $200 off the yearly option + 6 marketing playbooks + 6-months free enrollment in Elite, our private group coaching (reg. $497/mo.)

>>> Get Pipeline Pro Tools Now <<<

If you still have questions or you just want to see it, get a demo.

>>> Book a Demo <<<

If you book a demo, the deal will automatically be extended thru the day of your demo. If the demos are all gone by the time you see this email, shoot me a text at 910-670-7733.

And feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions!


-Chris Jones

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