Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Recession Formula (.xls)

Worried about a coronavirus-driven recession?

You're not alone. Fear is driving the market crazy.

Today I'm going to help you with why you don't have to be afraid.

Back in 2007 my brother and I continued growing our real estate business during the biggest recession in 40+ years.

Now I don't think 2020 will be nearly that bad, but it who really knows? Either way it won't hurt you to be prepared.

We didn't have to resort to REO or short sales (although nothing wrong with that). The secret was knowing our numbers cold and developing a "recession formula" for our business.

Your business has one too. And today we are going to show it to you.

-> How to Double Your Business: Recession Edition

During which I'll give you my Recession Formula Calc (.xls)

Tues, April 21 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it...
  • How to reverse engineer your whole real estate biz in 45min
  • 3 things you can do today to 2x your business in a recession
  • How to build a growth engine that runs in your sleep
  • + 2 calculators & marketing playbooks

There's a 200-seat max, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

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