Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Replay fixed! (.mp4)

Earlier today I sent out a replay of yesterday's webinar. The one I did with my buddy Jake Dixon where we walked you through the formula to 2x your business during a recession.

The problem is the link didn't work. It was asking for a password that didn't exist. This was due to a new security setting added by Zoom unbeknownst to us. But no worries, it's fixed now.

Here's the link...

-> Double Your Business in a Recession - Replay (.mp4)
Includes download of my Recession Formula Calculator

We cover:
-How to reverse engineer your whole real estate business in 45min
-3 things you can do today to 2x your business in a recession
-Building a growth engine that runs in your sleep

I will be taking the replay down in 48hrs.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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