Thursday, October 14, 2021


As promised, here's a one-time live encore of yesterday's webinar.

"Bulletproof CMA"

>>> Click to join the live replay now <<<

In this training, I walk you through how to get an airtight value on ANY property in <15min. (Aka "Bulletproof CMA".)

Then I show you how use the Bulletproof CMA to take 2 listing appts per week.

30 minutes into this training, I give you all 4 downloads you need...

⬇️ Bulletproof CMA Calculator
⬇️ Appreciation Calculator
⬇️ Free source for no-nurture listing leads
⬇️ Easy script for booking listing appointments

Here's the direct link to join the live encore when you're ready ->

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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